For the purposes of these Terms:
Cash Converters means the Cash Converters stores situated at Browns Plains, Inala, Acacia Ridge, Brisbane City, Ashgrove, Gladstone and Mackay.
Excluded Persons means:
Prize Draw means Cash Converters “Gold Bullion Giveaway” running between 9am (AEST) 1 February 2025, to 11.59pm (AEST) Monday, 31 March 2025.
Prize means 1 gold bullion weighing 20g and valued at $2,700
Prize Winner means the Entrant selected at random by Cash Converters.
Terms means these terms and conditions.
Eligibility Rules
1. In order to be eligible for the Prize Draw, a customer must:
2. If there is a dispute as to a customer’s identity or eligibility, Cash Converters reserves the right, in its absolute and unfettered discretion, to determine the eligibility of the Entrant.
Entry to the Competition
3. Customers who sell any gold jewellery which Cash Converters values at $50 or more will be automatically entered into the Prize Draw
Determination of Winner
4. Cash Converters will select the winner 1 at random from the eligible Cash Converters customers.
5. The draw will take place at Cash Converters Browns Plains on Tuesday, 1 April 2025 at 10am AEST.
Prize Conditions
6. The Prize will be collected by the Prize Winner from the Participating Cash Converters Store at which the winning transaction was made. The Prize Winner will be notified via phone call.
7. If the Prize Winner is unable to be contacted after 3 attempted phone calls over 2 days, a new Prize Winner will be drawn on the Monday immediately following the relevant draw (for example, if the original draw occurs on Tuesday, 1 April 2025, then the new Prize Winner will be drawn on Friday, 4 April 2025). The new Prize Winner will be contacted by phone.
8. The Prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Privacy Policy
9. Any information gathered as part of the Prize Draw will be governed by Cash Converters Privacy Policy, a copy of which can be found here.
General Conditions
10. The selection of the Prize Winning Entry does not represent or confer any endorsement or sponsorship of the winner by Cash Converters.
11. Cash Converters reserves its right at any time to:
12. The Prize Winner
13. To the extent permitted by law participating Cash Converters (including their respective officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (whether in contract or tort) for any personal injury; economic loss or damages (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way through the Competition out of the following:
14. The decision of Cash Converters in relation to any aspect of the Competition will be final and binding.
15. Failure by Cash Converters to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.